The criticism we want to express through our works of art must be seen in a holistic context. We believe that all protagonists (including not just individuals but also enterprises and institutions) and their actions are systematically caught in the frame of social limitations. Thus, a behavioral pattern is imposed on those protagonists that limits their individual decision processes. Identifying morally despicable actions as the root of the problem puts the focus on the wrong place: For us, it's not about symptoms but the trigger.
We think, fundamentally it is the current globalized capitalist world order that subordinates everything else. Being subject to the dynamics and forces of this global world order, no one can be blamed for the inability to escape this situation.
Nonetheless, criticism has to be directed and we use addressees providing a symbolism that points at the underlying structures.
We cannot completely deny human responsibility but it must be mentioned here that every system created by humans can also be overthrown by human hands.